Alcoy Theatres
Alcoy loves the performing arts and is home to two theatres where you can enjoy everything from ballet to opera and everything in between. We will keep you posted on our Alcoy news page of upcoming concerts along with details of where you can purchase tickets.
Teatro Principal of Alcoy
The Teatre Principal is a theater of Alcoi that was premiered in 1838, between Located at Carrer Sant Tomàs and Plaça de Dins the Teatro Principal of Alcoy was opened in 1838.
Over the years the building has been used for concerts, plays and was even during the 1930’s a movie theatre. Following an extensive renovation back in 2006 that saw its 500 seat capacity reduced to 285, the theatre now hosts cultural events that include the Bethlehem of Tirisiti Christmas puppet show.
Teatre Calderon
Located on the Plaza de España opposite the town hall, the Calderón Theatre opening its doors in 1902 as a theatre of the Catholic Circle of Workers. Over the years the theatre has had numerous renovations going on to become Alcoy’s premier location for the performing arts.
Today the Teatre Calderon is the main theatre of the city with seven hundred and fifty seats, one great stage and a pit for eighty musicians, in addition to all the latest technology.